Welcome to Multi-Ad Creator2¬ 1.6.2. This Read Me document contains late-breaking information not found in the printed documentation. AdBuilder also continually updates the Creator2 Web site. For the latest information on Creator2, visit our Web site at http://www.creatorsoftware.com.
AdBuilder Contact:
1720 W Detweiller Dr.
Peoria, IL 61615
Creator2 Support Contact:
Support Hours: 7:00 a.m. ╨ 7:00 p.m. CST, M ╨ F
System Requirements and Additional Software
Ñ System Requirements
Ñ Required Software╤ColorSync¿
Ñ Recommended Software╤ATM¿
Ñ Optional Software
Compatibility Issues
Ñ ATM and Mac OS 9 Compatibility
Ñ ColorSync 3.0 and Mac OS 9 Compatibility
Ñ ColorSync 2.5, 2.6 and System Compatibility
Version 1.6.2 Improvements
Ñ Exporting Composite EPS Files
Ñ Other Improvements
Version 1.6.1 Improvements
Ñ Converting Creator Documents
Ñ Other Improvements
Version 1.6 Improvements
Ñ Launching without ATM
Ñ Opening Creator Documents
Ñ Converting Creator Documents
Version 1.5 Improvements
Ñ The GXMask Control Panel
Ñ Basic Shapes Document
Ñ Additional AppleScripts
Ñ AppleScript Properties
Ñ The Tri-dot Spot Function
Ñ Locating Files on NT and Other Servers
Ñ EPS File Color Matching with the Praxisoft EPS Library
Ñ Clarifications in the Creator2 1.6.1 Read Me
Ñ Clarifications in the Creator2 1.5 Supplement Manual
Known Issues and Their Solutions
Ñ The Adobe Sans and Serif Error Message
Ñ The Command-Tab Conflict
Ñ Type 1 Fonts and the Font Menu
Ñ Suitcase¬ 8.0 Font Menu Incompatibility
Ñ Placing PICT Files
Ñ Setting Your PANTONE¬ Profile
Ñ 32-bit Display Issues
Ñ Other Known Issues and Their Solutions
System Requirements and Additional Software
System Requirements
To install and launch Creator2 1.6.2 on your Macintosh computer, you need the following minimum hardware and software:
Ñ Macintosh Operating System 7.6.1 or newer
Ñ PowerPC processor
Ñ 64 MB available RAM
Ñ 40 MB available hard drive space
Ñ CD-ROM drive
We recommend the following hardware and software for optimum use:
Ñ Macintosh Operating System 9.0 or newer
Ñ PowerPC G4 processor or higher
Ñ 128 MB available RAM or higher
Ñ 100 MB available hard drive space or higher
Ñ CD-ROM drive
Required Software╤ColorSync¿
ColorSync¿ must be installed on your system in order for Creator2 to work. Moreover, your version of ColorSync must be compatible with your Mac OS. Open the Control Panels folder to see which version of ColorSync is installed on your system (choose Apple Menu > Control Panels > Extensions Manager). Then, check the following:
Ñ If you╒re using Mac OS 9, then you must use ColorSync 3.0 or newer.
Ñ If you╒re using Mac OS 8.1 through 8.6, then you must use ColorSync 2.5 or 2.6.
Ñ If you╒re using Mac OS 8.0 or older, then you must use ColorSync 2.5.
ColorSync Installers
The Mac OS 9 installer automatically installs ColorSync 3.0. We provide a link to the installers for ColorSync 2.5 and 2.6 on our Web site (click on the link for Downloads). Double-click the appropriate ColorSync installer icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Recommended Software╤ATM¿
We highly recommend that you have Adobe Type Manager¿ (ATM) installed on your system so that Creator2 works properly. (Creator2 1.6 and newer are capable of launching without having ATM installed, but PostScript fonts will not be supported.) Moreover, be sure that your Mac OS is compatible with your version of ATM:
Ñ If you╒re using Mac OS 9, then you must use ATM (Lite or Deluxe) 4.5.2 or newer. Previous versions of ATM will crash Mac OS 9 at startup.
Ñ If you╒re using Mac OS 8.1 through 8.6, then you must use a version of ATM between 3.8.3 ╨ 4.5.1 or a version newer than ATM (Lite or Deluxe) 4.5.2.
Ñ If you╒re using Mac OS 8.0 or older, then you must use a version of ATM between 3.8.3 ╨ 4.5.1.
ATM Installers for Mac OS 9
We provide a link to the installer for ATM Lite 4.5.2 on our Web site (click on the link for Downloads). Double-click the installer icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: You have three other options for obtaining a compatible version of ATM for Mac OS 9. You can purchase ATM Deluxe 4.5.2 or newer, download a free upgrade from ATM Deluxe 4.5 or 4.5.1 to ATM Deluxe 4.5.2, or download a free version of the ATM 4.5.2 Lite installer at the following Web site: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/atmdmac.htm.
ATM Installers for Mac OS 8.6 or older
We provide a link to the Adobe Acrobat Reader¿ 3.0 installer (which installs ATM 4.0.2) on our Web site (click on the link for Downloads). Double-click the installer icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: If you're using a version of ATM prior to 4.0.2, you'll also need the SoftPress Type 1 Works extension. The Creator2 installer automatically installs this extension if you're using a version of ATM prior to 4.0.2.
Optional Software
You may install the following optional software:
Ñ Mac OS Easy Open¿: This control panel imports and exports text from other sources.
To install Mac OS Easy Open:
1. Locate the Mac OS Easy Open installer on your Mac OS 8.6 or older CD.
2. Double-click the Mac OS Easy Open installer icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Compatibility Issues
ATM and Mac OS 9 Compatibility
Mac OS 9 is incompatible with all versions of Adobe Type Manager (ATM) earlier than 4.5.2. Creator2 requires ATM in order to display PostScript fonts. (Creator2 1.6 and newer merely ignore PostScript fonts if ATM is not present. Previous versions of Creator2 do not run without ATM.) Adobe has released new versions of ATM Lite and ATM Deluxe that are compatible with Mac OS 9. These both have a version number of 4.5.2 or newer. ATM Lite 4.5.2 is free and may be downloaded from Adobe at: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/atmmac.htm.
ATM Deluxe is a commercial product. A free updater to upgrade ATM Deluxe 4.5 or 4.5.1 to ATM Deluxe 4.5.2 is available for download from Adobe at: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/atmdmac.htm.
ColorSync 3.0 and Mac OS 9 Compatibility
If you're using Mac OS 9.0, you must use ColorSync 3.0 or newer.
Note: The compatibility problems described in the following paragraph affect only those applications that use GXGraphics.
There are compatibility problems between Apple's GXGraphics extension, which is installed by and required by Creator2, and ColorSync 3.0, which is installed with Mac OS 9. These problems cause Creator2 1.5 and older to be unusable under Mac OS 9. They manifest as objects that do not appear on screen, draw in the wrong colors, or color separate incorrectly. Creator2 1.6 and newer have been modified to avoid these incompatibilities and eliminate the problems.
ColorSync 2.5, 2.6 and System Compatibility
If you're using Mac OS 8.1 through 8.6, you must use ColorSync 2.5 or 2.6. (ColorSync 2.6 works only with Mac OS 8.1 through 8.6.) If you're using Mac OS 8.0 or older, you must use ColorSync 2.5.
Version 1.6.2 Improvements
Exporting Composite EPS Files
Ñ DCS spot and process color lists are now written correctly for colorized (spot) grayscale graphics that are exported as composite EPS files.
Ñ An element with a tint of a spot color (e.g., 30% orange) that is exported as a composite EPS file now separates onto the spot plate displaying the correct percentage of spot color (e.g., 30% spot color).
Ñ An element that is exported as an EPS DCS2 file now properly displays on the spot color plate should the spot color have parentheses in its name. An example of this is "spot red (respect CMYK)."
Other Improvements
Ñ Creator2 now properly displays proxies in the trapping palette in OS9.
Ñ A black and white TIFF graphic now properly detects clicks when it is given a foreground color of None.
Ñ Creator2 now accurately reports the scale of a placed graphic after its document file has been saved, closed, and reopened.
Ñ Creator2 now recognizes newly activated fonts when Font Reserve is used to activate fonts and the "Activate copies of fonts" checkbox in the Activation panel of the Font Reserve Browser Preferences dialog is turned on.
Ñ The Save A Copy As dialog box now shows the 1.6 file format in addition to the 1.5 and 1.1 file formats.
Ñ Creator files that contain groups now load faster in Creator2.
Ñ To ensure proper loading of Creator files containing groups that have three or more levels of depth, Creator2 now collapses them to two levels of depth.
Ñ Creator2 now properly places native Photoshop files that are created in Photoshop 5.x when the "Exclude Non-Image Data" option is selected in Photoshop's Save a Copy dialog box.
Ñ Creator2 now imitates the behavior of Creator 4.0 and earlier when relinking graphics files in the File Utilities dialog box. If you add graphics from other locations to a document that has existing graphics kept in and linked to the document folder, you can now update the links for the added graphics by selecting all graphics in the File Utilities dialog and copying everything to the document folder with "Relink to new location" checked. Creator2 will no longer report an error when told to copy a file to its current location.
Ñ When you open a new document, Creator2 no longer hangs while drawing the palettes if you have no default document and no printer selected.
Version 1.6.1 Improvements
Converting Creator Documents
The following improvements have been made to the fidelity of converted Creator documents in Creator2 1.6.1:
Ñ Creator2 now accurately recognizes Pantone colors when opening a Creator document that has been saved as a CIF file.
Ñ The print option "Bleed Items at Edge" in Creator now properly carries over to Creator2 when opening a Creator file directly.
Other Improvements
Ñ Creator2 documents that contain certain combinations of Type 1 fonts (e.g., Eurostyle Bold and Eurostyle Bold Oblique, which contains a copy of Eurostyle Bold), and that are exported to EPS with fonts embedded, now print without generating a PostScript error.
Ñ Creator2 now prevents crashes by no longer allowing users to apply a multi-line frame type to certain types of paths (e.g., straight lines that are in a multi-contour path).
Ñ Creator2 now allows scripted automated printing of multiple documents without interaction.
Version 1.6 Improvements
Launching without ATM
Creator2 1.6 is capable of launching without ATM being installed, but PostScript fonts will not be supported. A warning to that effect is given after startup.
Opening Creator Documents
Creator2 1.6 can open document files created by Multi-Ad Creator 3.7 and later without the need to export them as CIF first. This feature is accessed through the Open command or by dragging the icon of a Creator file over the icon for the Creator2 application.
Converting Creator Documents
Several improvements have been made to the fidelity of converted Creator documents in Creator2 1.6. Although there remain some unavoidable differences between the way Creator and Creator2 format documents, many of the common conversion problems have been fixed.
Ñ Creator2 now accurately positions the baseline of the first line of text in each text block in a converted document according to the settings in that document.
Ñ Creator2 now treats tabs the same way as Creator in converted documents during situations where there is no tab stop to align to.
Ñ Creator2 no longer pads the size of text blocks in documents converted from Creator.
Ñ Creator2 now applies text block scaling to tabs and margin settings accurately in most cases. There is still a case where this is not possible (text flows containing multiple text blocks with different scaling factors), but its occurrence should be rare.
Ñ Creator2 now correctly handles the conversion of kerning settings where there is a text size change (or a format change that is effectively a size change).
Ñ Creator2 now correctly handles the conversion of text set to small caps in Creator.
Ñ Creator2 now correctly converts patterns used in Creator documents.
Ñ Differences in the way some masking paths were used in Creator versus Creator2 have been resolved. In addition, problems in the conversion from Creator cubic bezier masking paths to Creator2 quadratic bezier path elements have been fixed.
Ñ Creator has a feature that allows a text block to be told to wrap with respect to all overlapping elements, or an element to be told to wrap all overlapping text blocks with respect to it. In Creator2, you must establish specific wrapping relationships. This is now handled in the conversion process.
Ñ Creator2 now correctly loads locked elements from Creator.
Ñ Creator2 now properly converts colors that didn╒t convert before.
Version 1.5 Improvements
The GXMask Control Panel
Some applications, such as Creator2, need Apple's GXGraphics Extension active to work; others do not support this extension and may not run properly. This means that to use Creator2 with a GX-incompatible application or utility, you would have to quit Creator2, shut off this extension, and reboot your computer. Because of this, Multi-Ad Services has licensed, from Polaschek Computing, Inc., a special GX utility called GXMask.
Creator 2's GXMask is a control panel that hides the Apple GXGraphics Extension from all applications╤except for those you select. This lets you have GXGraphics present while using other applications that are not GXGraphics compatible. Extensive testing has been done on this control panel. Since GX incompatible applications do not call GXGraphics, hiding it from these applications effectively eliminates the problem.
To Add or Remove Applications to GXMask:
Most of the time you can ignore GXMask. You may, however, acquire an application that needs the GXGraphics Extension. You can easily add this application to GXMask's scroll list, letting it make full use of GXGraphics features.
Access this control panel by choosing Apple Menu > Control Panels > GXMask. The GXMask control panel appears. Its scroll box displays applications that use the GXGraphics Extension. Click on Add to place your new application onto this list. If you added an application here by mistake, select it again and click on Remove.
There are several applications that are GXGraphics compatible. These applications include Multi-Ad Creator2, GIFDancer, GXifier, UniQorn, Freeway, TrueEdit, and ObjectDancer. They are all listed by default in the GXMask control panel. These applications should never be removed from the scroll box.
This special GXMask version has been specifically licensed for use by all Creator2 customers.
Basic Shapes Document
Commonly used shapes are now available in the Basic Shapes document. This document is in the Multi-Ad Creator2¬ folder. To use these shapes, open the Basic Shapes document. Then either copy/paste or drag/drop them into your Creator2 documents.
Additional AppleScripts
Creator2 now ships with several new scripts that were not complete when the 1.5 manual was printed. There have also been some changes made to existing scripts and suites. Note that all scripts are now divided into two folders╤the Script Menu Folder and the More About Scripts Folder, which are located in the Multi-Ad Creator folder.
Ñ Fix Wrapping Relationships. When you mask a graphic after wrapping text around it, run this script. It will tighten the wrapping relationships to the graphic's mask.
Ñ Graphics Suite. There are two additional scripts in this suite. The Border in Black script places a one point rectangular border around a selected graphic. Use the Edit Graphic script to launch whichever application created the file. The selected graphic file will be ready to edit within this application.
Ñ Revert. Run this script to return a document to its last saved version. This script first closes and then reopens the document.
Ñ Set RGB Output Profile. If you print a PostScript file that will later become a PDF file, run this script. It lets you select a monitor profile for the document's Output Profile╤thus keeping the output in a wide gamut.
Ñ Startup Script. This script adds an Effects submenu to the Format menu. This menu contains eleven text effects. Place this script inside your Creator2 Startup Items folder.
Ñ Table of Contents and Index Suite. These scripts can now create both Indexes and TOCs. Make text styles within Creator2 to reference specific sections of text. The scripts match these text sections to page numbers and then place them onto a list. The Read Me file located within this folder gives you specific instructions on how to use these scripts.
Ñ Text Effects Suite. The Stairstep Text Selection script is now included in this suite. There is also an additional script, the Text on an Arc script. Run this script to curve a selection of text; this effect resembles the original Creator F/X text curve function.
AppleScript Properties
The "application" class now has 10 new preference properties. These properties let you set and get the default folders used whenever an open, save, or choose dialog box appears.
Here is an example. Run the following script when you want an ad manager application to make sure each user places files from the correct directory:
tell app "Creator2 1.5" (or "Creator2 1.6" if you're using Creator2 1.6)
set default place folder to alias "Graphics Server:Ad Graphics:"
end tell
When the user chooses the Place command (from the Files Menu), the displayed folder will be "Ad Graphics" from the "Graphics Server" volume.
The Tri-dot Spot Function
Creator2 no longer offers the tri-dot spot function. If you use any file saved with the old tri-dot spot function, it is changed to the Printer Default function.
Locating Files on NT and Other Servers
In order to make sure files stored on NT Servers (and some other non-Apple Share servers) are correctly found by Creator2, an additional preference has been added to the Graphics panel. This is the "File names must match original when finding external files" preference; when this is turned on, the name of a placed file must match the filename Creator2 finds on the external drive. If these names do not match, Creator2 displays a dialog that will let you find the missing file.
Select this feature by first choosing Edit > Preferences. Click on the Graphics panel; the "File names must match original when finding external files" option appears at the bottom of the checkbox list. Select this option.
EPS File Color Matching with the Praxisoft EPS Library
Creator2 now ships with a special Praxisoft library that lets you color match EPS files. This library is compatible with several EPS file formats. They are:
Ñ Adobe Photoshop
Ñ Adobe Illustrator
Ñ QuarkXPress
Ñ MacroMedia Freehand
Ñ Multi-Ad Creator 4.0 (the library only works with the 4.0 version of Creator)
Ñ Multi-Ad Creator2 (all Creator2 versions)
Note: Grayscale EPS Photoshop and Duotone EPS Photoshop files cannot be color matched with this library.
Clarifications in the Creator2 1.6.1 Read Me
Ñ Creator2 PostScript files that contain the embolden text style do not translate correctly into PDF files when using Acrobat Distiller 3.0 or 4.0. The Multi-Ad Creator2 1.6.1 Read Me incorrectly reported that Acrobat Distiller fixed this problem.
Clarifications in the Creator2 1.5 Supplement Manual
Ñ Page 6: The text should say ATM¿ 3.8.3 or Later, not ATM¿ 4.0.2 or later.
Ñ Page 46: You have to insert a page number character on a master spread so that the number in the "First Page Number" field appears in the Document window. When you print, you must specify the absolute page number.
Ñ Page 54: The text should say that you must have a type style created before you can override the existing type style using the "Override character format" pop-up menu.
Ñ Page 55: The text should say that the drop cap is a single letter that uses the type style "London font," not text style "London font."
Ñ Page 56: The text should say that you may override the character format with type style, not text style.
Ñ Page 61: The Hot Tip in the section "Grayscale Graphics Colorization" does not refer to grayscale EPS images.
Ñ Page 92: The text incorrectly claims that the Gather for Output Script can make an EPS version of the document.
Ñ Page 98: The on-screen previews for EPS graphics are preset by the application they were created in and are not affected by Color Matching settings until final output. The other graphics formats will update their on-screen previews on-the-fly to match the Color Matching settings. You will not notice the changes to the EPS graphics until they are printed.
Known Issues and Their Solutions
The Adobe Sans and Serif Error Message
If you install some applications at any time after you have installed Creator2 1.6, you may get a message at startup stating that the Adobe Sans and Serif fonts are missing or of the wrong type. Correct this by reinstalling the fonts from the Creator2 1.6 installer. Note that you do not need to completely reinstall; instead, choose the Custom Install option. Then select the Fonts checkbox and make sure only the Fonts checkbox is selected. Next, click Install. This will place the correct Adobe Sans MM and Adobe Serif MM fonts onto your system.
The Command-Tab Conflict
Mac OS versions 8.5 and newer have a shortcut key combination that is in direct conflict with Creator2. Within Creator2, pressing the Command and Tab keys together lets you quickly switch between the Arrow and Text Tools. This same key combination is used by the Mac OS Application Switcher to jump between active programs.
There are three ways you can work around this conflict:
1. Use the Enter key to toggle between the Arrow and Text tools.
2. Access the Mac OS Help Center. In Mac OS 8.5 through OS 9, this help system has a hyperlink entitled "Help me modify the keyboard shortcuts" that gives you instructions on how to change the Mac OS's default shortcut key combinations. In the finder, choose Help > Mac OS Help. Then click on the "Files and programs" link. Next, click on the "Switching between open programs" link. Finally, scroll down until the "Help me modify the keyboard shortcuts" link appears.
3. Download PolyMorph Software's Prestissimo╤a free control panel found on this company's Web site at http://www.polymorph.net. This utility gives you several ways to modify the settings for the Application Switcher; it also lets you change the shortcut keys of the Application Switcher.
Type 1 Fonts and the Font Menu
A Type 1 Font will not appear in the Font Menu unless both its screen font and printer file are available; the screen font must also be in a suitcase file. Creator2 also filters fonts before displaying them in the Font Menu, so corrupt fonts may not appear in this menu. For more details on improving your fonts, there are several tech notes available at the Creator2 Web site: http://www.creatorsoftware.com.
Suitcase¬ 8.2 Font Menu Incompatibility
Creator2 cannot use utilities that change the appearance of the Font Menu. Extensis Suitcase 8.2 comes with such a utility; this feature should be disabled for Creator2. To disable it, follow these instructions:
1. In the Control Panels Folder, open the MenuFonts Control Panel. This is listed as ~Suitcase 8 MenuFonts¬ within this folder.
2. Click the Excluded Applications button.
3. Click on Add, the button located in this dialog's upper right corner.
4. Use the directory dialog box to locate Creator2.
5. Select Creator2 and click Open.
6. Click OK. This shuts off the Font Menu utility for Creator2. You may still use Suitcase 8.2 with Creator2 and you may also use the Font Menu utility with other applications.
Placing PICT Files
Sometimes PICT files created in other applications do not produce high quality images. If it is possible, we recommend that you save graphics in a different file format other than the PICT format.
Setting Your PANTONE¬ Profile
Creator2 supports the PANTONE¬ color system and includes the control panels and extensions necessary to place PANTONE¬ colors in your Creator2 documents. To ensure that the colors produced by your printer accurately represent the PANTONE¬ colors, you need to open the Pantone Profile control panel and load a profile for your CMYK printer. The Pantone Profile control panel lets you select a profile from any folder on your Macintosh. These profiles are commonly found in the ColorSync¬ Profiles and PANTONE¬ Profiles folders, both found in the System Folder (The PANTONE¬ Profiles folder is located in the Control Panels folder within the System Folder. If you cannot find a profile for your printer, choose the 150-Line (Pantone) profile from the ColorSync¬ Profiles folder. Ignore the Monitor and RGB printer profiles that may also appear in these folders.
Note: If you receive a low memory message while accessing the Pantone Profile control panel, go into the Pantone folder of the system's preferences and throw out the Pantone¿ POCE Prefs. This should allow access to the Pantone Profile control panel.
32-bit Color Display Issues
If your Macintosh supports 32-bit color (millions of colors), minor display problems may occur. These problems do not harm your printed output, however, and will not appear in 16-bit color (thousands of colors) mode. These problems are:
Ñ When you select text, un-highlighted gaps may appear between words. When you deselect the text, these gaps are highlighted.
Ñ In the Document Settings dialog, there is a "Bleed Items at Edge" checkbox╤a command in the Print Defaults Panel. If you deselect this checkbox, vertical lines may appear when you scroll horizontally.
Ñ Instead of having a gray fill, an open element's background color may appear with diagonal gray lines.
Other Known Issues and Their Solutions
Ñ LaserWriter Drivers. LaserWriter Driver 8.5.1 does not keep custom paper sizes in the Page Setup dialog. Apple has solved this problem with LaserWriter Driver 8.6.
Ñ Adobe Acrobat Distiller¿ 3.0. When using Acrobat Distiller 3.0, a Creator2 PostScript file that contains emboldened or outlined text does not translate correctly into a PDF file.
Ñ Adobe Acrobat Distiller¿ 4.0. When using Acrobat Distiller 4.0, a Creator2 PostScript file that contains emboldened text does not translate correctly into a PDF file.
Ñ QuickMail. QuickMail's Quick Conference keyboard shortcut conflicts with Creator2's center paragraph keyboard shortcut (Command-Shift-C). Correct this problem by creating a different conference keyboard shortcut in QuickMail's preferences dialog box.
Ñ Printing Illustrator EPS Files. If you print an Illustrator 7/8 EPS file that contains enclosed fonts which have not been converted to paths, a warning may appear when the file's fonts are not active. This message states that the file's fonts are missing. Ignore this warning; the EPS file will print correctly.
Ñ Using MacLinkPlus to Import Text Files. Do the following if you are in the Import Text dialog and you cannot see a desired text file or if you get a "file type is not recognized" error. Open your MacLinkPlus folder and duplicate the Document Converter icon. Double-click on this duplicate Document Converter icon. In the following dialog box, choose a text conversion option. Select the "RTF Macintosh Rich Text Format with MacLinkPlus translation" option. Next, click Set.
Notice the Document Converter's name now reflects the new option. Drag the file you want imported onto the conversion icon; this converts your file into the selected format. Return to Creator2 and import the converted file.
MacLink Plus¿ is a utility often included with some Mac OS versions. This utility extends the file translation capabilities of the Macintosh. If you do not have MacLink Plus, you may purchase it separately. It is published by DataViz Software.
Products mentioned herein are Trademarks of their respective companies.